Share Your Book is one of the biggest advertising project in Brazil, to help creatives
to improve their portfolios to get a job in the best agencies in Brazil.
to improve their portfolios to get a job in the best agencies in Brazil.
The project is a HUB that combine all the necessary information that the creative need's to improve their careers .
We also organize events to promote portfolio reviews in the agencies, online and ad schools.
Helping more than 4k creatives every year.
Some articles about us:
Clube de Criação, IdeaFixa and Acontece Aqui.
See the project here: SHARE YOUR BOOK
We also organize events to promote portfolio reviews in the agencies, online and ad schools.
Helping more than 4k creatives every year.
Some articles about us:
Clube de Criação, IdeaFixa and Acontece Aqui.
See the project here: SHARE YOUR BOOK