Every day hundreds of women suffer violence in Brazil. 70% of them do not talk about it with anyone. If the aggressor is not reported within 24 hours, the chances of a new aggression increase 75%. ASBRAD, an NGO that serves victims of violence, aims to encourage women to tell their stories. Because when they are silent, acts of violence can repeat themselves many times over. We selected actual reports from women who experienced violence and used Instagram Stories to tell these stories, which disappeared after 24 hours. The Posts encouraged women to seek help and denounce the perpetrator before publication faded from the page,  reducing the chances of violence happening again.

Lürzer's Archive.

Role: Art Director/Illustrator
"I don't know who to tell"
"I don't know who to tell"
"The worst is who see and don't do anything"
"The worst is who see and don't do anything"
"It's difficult to talk about it."
"It's difficult to talk about it."

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